WPS6-D series Surge Protection Device is suitable for TT, IT, TN-S, TN-C and TN-C-S, the power supply system with the rated voltage up to 230/400V and AC 50/60Hz. Its design corresponds to IEC61643-1, GB18802.1 and GB50057. The product is usually installed in the incoming line low voltage distribution box of the building, and it can release 20kA lightning stroke current.
The lightning current SPD protection with protection level: III is applied to the Equipotential bonding when the lightning strike. WPS6-D Device should be installed in the boundary of LPZ1, LPZ2 and LPZn, usually in front of the residential distribution box, computer center, informational equipment, electronic equipment and controlling equipment or in the nearest socket box.
WPS6-C Surge Protector
WPS6-C series Surge Protection Device is suitable for TT, IT, TN-S, TN-C and TN-C-S, the power supply system with the rated voltage up to 230/400V and AC 50/60Hz. It can work as the equipotential bonding when the lightning strike. Its design corresponds to IEC61643-1, GB18802.1 and GB50057.
The product is mainly applied to protect the low voltage electric equipment and prevent the surge causing by the thunder or switching overvoltage. As a univoltage limiting device, WPS6-C is equipped with the heavy-duty Zinc Oxide piezoresistor.
WPS6-C series (Protection level: II) Protection Device need to be installed on the up link of the equipment, connecting with outer conductor(L) or neutral conductor(N) and the earthing device. Users caninstall the WPS6-C in the boundary of LPZOA or LPZ1, usually in the incoming line low voltage main distribution box.
WPS6-B Surge Protection Device
WPS6-B series Surge Protection Device is suitable for TT, IT, TN-S, TN-C and TN-C-S, the power supply system with the rated voltage up to 230/400V and AC 50/60Hz. Its design corresponds to IEC61643-1, GB18802.1 and GB50057. The product is usually installed in the incoming line low voltage distribution box of the building, and it can release 100kA lightning stroke current.